Seamans books

Well done! You FINALLY have that job and they are asking you to get a seaman’s book… or maybe you have just been too lazy and finally figured out that they are quite useful? 😉 Either way we can assist you with your seaman’s book application.

Either make an appointment to pop into the office in Antibes and fill in the forms or you can email us, and we can send you the forms.

Seaman’s books are useful for logging sea service, seaman’s fares (extra luggage on flights that accommodate seafarers – YAY), as a second, muuuuch less important form of identification – should you accidentally lose your passport!! Eeeeek!! Another good reason, is because your captain told you so! And of course, the dreaded Schengen visa application – for those that need visas… most consulates will ask for you to show your seaman’s book.

Still a bit confused as to which seaman’s book you need?? Ok, let me explain… you can either get a seaman’s book from your country of residence (if that country is able to provide seaman’s books), OR you can apply through your current boats flag state – that means that you have to be employed on a vessel in order to apply through their flag state… you can’t just wake up one morning and think – gosh let me get a Cayman Islands seaman’s book

  • Step one is to find a job on a boat.
  • Step two is to find out from your captain what the flag state of the vessel is.
  • Step three is to find out if he prefers if you have a book from the flag state or from your country of residence.
  • Step four is to email us and get a quote and the documents list.

We can assist with seamans books for:


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