Looking for a Job

Hi there!

Welcome to Global Yachties! We are so pleased you have popped onto our site to submit your cv. Please make sure to let us know exactly what you are looking for in the ‘my dream job’ section… We will try our best to find you something as close to perfect as we can!

New crew who’s dream job is any job – don’t worry too much, someone out there is going to give you an opportunity if you want it badly enough! Read the section in our ‘Tips’ page about how to make sure you make the right impression in the yachting industry!


Time to show us what you got!

    Upload C.V - 5MB

    * Position (press cntl for multiple select)

    * Nationality (max 2 | press cntl for multiple select)

    * Current Location:

    * Photo Upload (Add a profile picture and any other relevant pictures, e.g chefs can add food pics)

    Photo 1

    Photo 2

    Photo 3

    Photo 4

    Photo 5

    References (max 3)

    Reference 1:

    Reference 2:

    Reference 3:

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